
编辑器/功能拓展 NatDevice - Media Device API 1.0.2 摄像头和麦克风API

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历史版本索引:NatDevice - Media Device API 1.2.0

NatDevice is a cross platform media device API for iOS, Android, macOS and Windows. NatDevice provides powerful extraction power to use hardware cameras and microphones through a simple NET API. Functions include:
-High resolution camera preview. NatDevice will display the device camera with a full HD or higher preview.
-Low latency microphone recording. NatDevice will display the microphone that transmits audio data to the code on a dedicated thread.
-Camera preview data. The NatDevice camera provides shot previews as textures, but also provides these preview data to run image algorithms and other tasks.
-High resolution photo capture. On the mobile platform, NatDevice camera can capture high-resolution photos with flash.
-Camera focus. On the mobile platform, the NatDevice camera supports focus setting and focus locking (automatic focus is disabled).
-Camera exposure. On the mobile platform, the NatDevice camera supports exposure settings, exposure deviation, and locked exposure (automatic exposure is disabled).
-Camera zoom. On the mobile platform, the NatDevice camera supports optical zoom.
-Camera white balance locking. On the mobile platform, if the device supports it, the NatDevice camera can lock the white balance of the device.
-Microphone format control. NatDevice microphone can record with mono or stereo and different sample rates.
-Flashlight control. On the mobile platform, the NatDevice camera supports flashlight control, even if the camera preview is not running.
-Support OpenCV. NatDevice seamlessly integrates with OpenCVForUnity. Please see the official example.
-NatCorder support. NatDevice is tightly integrated with our video recording API NatCorder. It supports the recording of MP4 video, animated GIF images, WAV audio files, etc.

2022-9-22 10:50 上传
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NatDevice - Media Device API 1.0.2 摄像头和麦克风API
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