
角色/动画 Archer Animations 1.1 射箭弓箭手动画

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Humanoid 3D animations related to use of shooting arrows with bow. Compatible for retargeting with other humanoid 3D characters.

Animations list:
- Walk (8 direction, 2 m/s)
- Run (8 direction, 4 m/s)
- Sprint (8 m/s)
- Jump

- 2 Idles
- Transitions between idles

- 2 Combat idles
- TakeDamage01
- TakeDamage02
- SheathBow01
- UnsheathBow01
- GetArrow01 (from quiver in back)
- GetArrow02 (from quiver in side)
- GetArrow03 (from quiver in other side)
- Shot01 (frontal shot)
- Shot01 - only upper body (for use with Avatar Masks)
- Shot02 (shooting up)
- Shot03 (shooting straight up)
- Shot04 (shooting down)
- SetTrap01 (in place)
- SetTrap02 (throwing trap)
- 2 Deaths

Archer Animations 1.1.zip

226 Bytes, 下载次数: 0

售价: 7 金币  [记录]  [购买]

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