历史版本索引: Rewired Rewired
Reconnecting is not another Unity input wrapper like other software packages. Rewired supports multiple platforms supported by Unity, and supports extended native support on Windows, OSX, Linux, Windows 10 Universal, WebGL, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Stadia. Re wiring makes use of the library to directly access the input device, which can better control the input. This makes it possible to have some very powerful functions, such as full hot plug support for joysticks, support for more than 20 buttons per controller, support for game board vibration, and so on. Rewired is the only input system available for Unity. It supports all these platforms and provides these advanced functions. For other platforms, Rewired uses Unity's input system, so you can still access all the other functions it provides. Player centric search results Rewired has a player centric input system, making it an ideal solution for multiplayer games. Controllers are intelligently and automatically assigned to connected/disconnected players, so you don't have to worry about which controllers each player has. Access the input through the player rather than the controller, so you can get the desired results no matter which controller the player uses. Search Results Controller Map
The powerful controller mapping system of rewiring allows you to create highly complex input schemes for any style of game. The supported controllers are mapped through logically named elements, not hidden axes such as 0. Map stack, so you can create different maps for different game modes and easily switch between them. Create default controller layouts for various controllers and allow players to customize their own mappings. Save and load maps through XML. Search results intelligent hot plug
Rewired solves all the hot plug problems of Unity on Windows, OSX, Linux, Windows 10 Universal, WebGL, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PS4, PS5, Switch and Stadia. (All other supported platforms depend on Unity's hot plug support.) Players will no longer be forced to exit and restart when switching joysticks. No more guesses about which controller is which. It's just work. Search Results Input Editor
Edit all the inputs of a powerful and easy-to-use editor. There is no coding just to add operations like some systems. Edit player, action and map categories, alternate map layout, joystick, keyboard, mouse and custom controller maps, input behavior, etc. through a convenient interface. Cross platform search results
Re routing requires cross platform input. Supported controllers have been mapped consistently on Windows, Windows 10 Universal, OSX, Linux, iOS, tvOS, Android, Amazon Fire TV and Webplayers. Rewired also supports PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, Switch, Stadia, PSM, WebGL, NVidia Shield and other Android based consoles. Controllers supported by search results
Rewired supports almost any USB or Bluetooth controller through user mapping, and increases the number of commonly used controllers with more time. Supported controllers can be fully mapped by element names and have standardized axis directions. Search Results Control Mapper
Rewired includes a complete, responsive, cross platform runtime control remapping system. Just add it to your project and configure it, and your players can remap all the controls during the game! Built in theme and language system, highly configurable. This includes automatic or customized saving and loading of user data. Search result touch control
Rewired is equipped with a set of customizable screen touch for mobile platforms and built using Unity UI. Use the included joystick, buttons, touch pad, tilt control, etc. to customize directly in your game or according to your needs.