
完整项目 Adventure Creator 1.64.1冒险游戏创建

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Adventure Creator is the only asset you need to make a 2D, 2.5D or 3D adventure game in Unity - no coding required.

● 3D Demo
● 2D Demo
● Feature list
● Video tutorials
● Online manual

AC makes game-making a breeze, with its visual scripting system and intuitive Editor controls. Beginners can build an entire game without writing a line of code, while programmers can plug-and-play their own functionality with the documented API.

Created by the author of a commercial title, AC has all the features needed to bring a traditional adventure to market:

● 2D, 2.5D and 3D game modes
● Point and click, direct and FPS movement
● Keyboard, mouse, controller, touch input
● Build to PC, Mac, WebGL, iOS and Android
● NPCs, conversation and interactions
● Inventory, crafting and containers
● Facial expressions and lipsyncing
● Variables to create puzzle logic
● The Room-like physics system
● Completely customisable UI
● Timed sequences and QTEs
● Player-character switching
● Extensive documentation
● Full translation support
● Source code included
● Saving and loading
● Demo source files

AC also integrates with:

● Dialogue System
● Cinema Director
● Ultimate FPS
● 2D Toolkit
● PlayMaker
● LipSync
● FaceFX
● Slate
● RT-Voice

Need more info? Join the forum or community Discord channel today!
Note: Some models in the 3D Demo game are provided under the CC-BY 3.0 license. For full details, see the included "model license.rtf" files.

Adventure Creator是您在Unity中制作2D、2.5D或3D冒险游戏所需的唯一资产,无需编码。
● 3D演示
● 2D演示
● 功能列表
● 视频教程
● 在线手册
● 2D、2.5D和3D游戏模式
● 点击、直接和FPS移动
● 键盘、鼠标、控制器、触摸输入
● 构建到PC、Mac、WebGL、iOS和Android
● NPC、对话和互动
● 库存、工艺和容器
● 面部表情和嘴唇同步
● 用于创建谜题逻辑的变量
● 房间式物理系统
● 完全可定制的用户界面
● 时序和QTE
● 玩家角色切换
● 丰富的文档
● 完整的翻译支持
● 包含源代码
● 保存和加载
● 演示源文件
● 对话系统
● 电影导演
● 终极FPS
● 2D工具包
● 播放器制造商
● 唇音同步校正
● FaceFX公司
● 萨尔萨
● 石板
● RT语音
注:3D演示游戏中的一些模型是根据CC-BY 3.0许可证提供的。有关完整的详细信息,请参阅附带的“model license.rtf”文件。

Adventure Creator 1.64.1

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