Asset contains 3 different highly detailed animated devices.
This asset is very reource-heavy and is not recommended for use on mobile platforms and portable consoles.
Main Device
Mesh - 168,6k tris without lights.
- set of 8/4k textures for close-ups (6x 4096x4096px + 12x 8192x8192px).
- set of 2k textures for common usage (18x 2048x2048px).
- movie texture for the core for both sets (512x512px, 360 frames).
Animation - 360 frames loop.
Device 01
Mesh - 25.8k tris without lights.
- 8k textures set (3x 8192x8192px).
Animation - 360 frames loop.
Device 02
Mesh - 75.5k tris without lights.
- set of 10 textures (7x 8192x8192px (including 1x AO texture) + 3x 1024x1024).
Animation - 360 frames loop.