⭐ Shooter function ⭐
- Shooter Behavior & Animations (Basic & Melee features already included)
-Parabolic bullet with trajectory renderer
-Throwing objects with a track system (grenades, bottles, etc.)
-Optional shooting weapon melee attack
-Advanced damage based on distance and speed
-Tag based missiles (different materials)
-Advanced Sight View
-Aiming system with dispersion, range, firing frequency, recoil force, etc
-When attacking, you can emit particles, sounds, and custom bullets
-Including archery system
-Advanced Reverse Dynamics Adjustment System Based on Weapon/Attitude
-A large number of user-defined elements can create different types of weapons
-Secondary shooting that can create powerful weapons
-Blind fire
⭐ Melee function ⭐
- Melee Combat Behavior & Animations (Basic Locomotion features already included)
-Use different movement settings, attack, defense, shooting reaction and shooting recoil for each weapon
-Inventory examples, picking, discarding, and destroying items
-Includes simple melee AI as a reward (see our [FSM AI Template] for advanced AI information)
-Storage Manager
-Different types of potions used to restore HP or increase HP/endurance
-Endurance based combat system (optional)
-Lock target system
⭐ Basic sports functions ⭐
-Basic Motion Behavior and Animation
-Advanced third person perspective system
-Sprint, jump, crouch, roll
-Jumping, climbing or stepping on obstacles
-Universal action system for triggering simple animation
-Ladder system
-Doll system
-Footstep system
-Multiple Util scripts to help you develop games
-Including the demonstration scenario of equiaxed, 2.5D platform, top-down and mobile terminals