历史版本索引: Advanced Dissolve 2021.4 Advanced Dissolve 2021.8
Core functions.
- Dissolve using dynamic mask objects: sphere, box, cylinder, cone, plane, per axis (X,Y,Z). 4 objects can be used simultaneously.
- Multiple texture blending for alpha notch and edge noise control.
- UV, 3D and screen space dissolvable projections.
- Various edge color controllers, including simple color, gradient and gradient textures.
- Solid, smooth and noisy edges.
- Color self-illumination visible for global lighting systems.
-Full compatibility with Unity post-processing and image effects.
- Includes standard, physics-based, legacy, unidirectional light, VertexLit, no-light, particle, Unity Nature, SpeedTree, and TextMesh Pro shaders.
- Supported rendering pipelines: Standard, Lightweight, and Universal.
- Includes experimental tools for integrating advanced dissolve effects into the shaders created by ShaderGraph.