
纹理/着色 Sharp Shadows Toolkit 1.03 清晰锐化阴影

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Sharp Shadows Toolkit 1.1.1

Sharp Shadows Toolkit 1.1.2

The Sharp Shadows Toolkit brings sharp, pixel-perfect shadows to your Universal Render Pipeline project. Perfect for games and experiences targeting a non-photo-realistic art style!

The Sharp Shadows Toolkit brings sharp, pixel-perfect shadows to your Lightweight/Universal Render Pipeline project. Many games and experiences target a non-photo-realistic art style for which sharp shadows are better suited than the built-in shadows that tend to be either too soft or too jagged, especially on low quality settings.

The toolkit can be useful in a wide variety of scenarios, from a single accurate drop-shadow for the main character in a mobile game to ubiquitous high quality shadows for an architecture visualization project.

Sharp Shadows Toolkit 1.03.zip

234 Bytes, 下载次数: 0

售价: 7 金币  [记录]  [购买]

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