
纹理/着色 Brute Force - Grass Shader 1.4 交互式草地着色器

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历史版本索引:Brute Force - Grass Shader 1.6

Create amazing and stunning grass with Brute Force interactive grass shaders for PC/Mac/Linux/Nintendo Switch and mobile devices. Same shaders are used in Crumble

Compatibility with Standard ,URP and HDRP (light baking feature still WIP)

-Mutlicompatibility: works on PC/Mac/Linux/Nintendo Switch and mobile devices
-Any Pipeline: Can be used in Built-in, URP and HDRP
-Simplicity: Drag and drop materials
-Optimization: Custom LoD distance fading per material
-Dynamic Custom Shadows: A grass that can both receive and cast shadows
-Interactivity: With a simple particle system you can create interactive effects like a trail on mouse/player position
-Customization: Fully customizable grass
-Lights Support: 4x point lights and spot lights support
-Terrain: Use texture Splat Map to draw grass.

/!\ Terrains for Mac and mobile are not yet supported, other terrain-type assets are now supported please read terrain documentation
-VR Support: Works with Multi and Single Pass Stereo rendering
-Fur: Can also work as a simple fur on animals
-Shell Texturing: The grass asset uses the shell texturing technique

Brute Force - Grass Shader 1.4.zip

242 Bytes, 下载次数: 0

售价: 7 金币  [记录]  [购买]

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