
纹理/着色 Lux Water 1.101 真实动态水海洋模拟系统(含水底)

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Lux Water is a simple and powerful water surface rendering tool, which can give you the best water surface refraction, reflection and lighting effects.

Rendering capabilities
• Physically based shading, including subsurface scattering
• Color absorption based on double layer depth
• Underwater fog based on double depth
• High precision refraction
• Based on cube mapping and real-time planar reflections
• Real time screen space caustics without affecting the projector (the caustics function is better to use delayed rendering)
• Dynamic shoreline foam
• Simple Gerstner Wave and Dynamic Foam Cap
• Water volume allows you to create a smooth transition between rendering above and below the water surface
• Water projector allows you to add local foam and local normals (and displacement)
• Surface subdivision and projection displacement
• Support orthogonal lens
• Deep water rendering

Lux Water 1.101.zip

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